bad user interfaces are denying software users the benefits of multi windowing systems
I just went to save a picture from a chromium browser. Rigbt-clicked, save.
I was going to call the file after some things from the image. It's a picture of a letter, so the date, and title, and amount of money it relates to.
The "save" dialog came up, and the picture was gone. Instead of doing the save dialog simply as a new window, chromium is instead "clever", and messes things up. So I had to close the save dialog, write down the attributes "2024-03-04", "order_imposing_a_penalty", and "200.gbp", then save it again, and write in those things in the save dialog. The whole point of a windowing system is to be able to have things side by side, but this is being deliberately disabled by imbecile geektards.
This anti-pattern has been happening repeatedly in the previous weeks. I haven't been taking exact notes on it (there is only so much instrumentation one can do on faults without grinding to a halt), but, from memory, a range of different applications are behaving like this. Bad.
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