do Sure charge full rates for 999 calls?

Yesterday, for the first time since around 2002, I had to dial 999, the UK emergency number.  My life was in danger due to idiots deliberately launching rocks down a mountain-side.

In the end I made around five calls to 999, with Dyfed-Powys police ultimately failing to turn up.

I then received an SMS from Sure, the Guernsey mobile network, saying I'd used 25 GBP of my 50 GBP roaming allowance.  So, are they charging 999 emergency calls at full rates?  When the limit is reached, does the customer then lose the capability to engage in futile attempts to summon Dyfed-Powys police? (The calls variously went to South Wales, Gwent, and Dyfed-Powys constabularies, but I think I was in Dyfed-Powys, and no one bothered showing up).


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