quick summary of monopolies, quasi-monopolies, duopolies and state-owned enterprises on Guernsey
quick summary of monopolies, quasi-monopolies, duopolies, state-owned enterprises, etc on Guernsey.
There are three categories so far: "seems fine", "pretty ropey", and "malign entity".
- Guernsey Post: seems fine
- Aurigny / Blue Island (airlines): pretty ropey
- Guernsey Water: pretty ropey
- Guernsey Electricity: seems fine
- Guernsey Energy (gas): pretty ropey
- Condor Ferries: pretty ropey
- Sure (telecoms): malign entity
- JT (telecoms): pretty ropey
Not included are some natural or assumed monopolies like for waste collection (Guernsey Waste, pretty ropey) etc.
For Guernsey Water, the admin side has been fine, but the product tastes chemically.
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