bitstamp: cookie acceptance annoyance

Cookie acceptance spam doesn’t get any less annoying. Web site operators, instead of minimising it, seem to want to cultivate it, much like one would cultivate a cancer.

In this case, bitstamp are forcing me to “consent” to cookies again, even tho i’m logged in. I’ve been using my account over a decade. Why now? Even if one grants that cookie acceptance should be necessary for this service, which I do not, the maximum number of times i should have to do it is: one. I’m logged in, so they know it’s me.

My recollection of the EU legislation that’s the distal cause of all this daftness is: you don’t need permission for cookies that are essential for delivering the service. The intention was to capture stuff like tracking and advertising, especially by third parties.

So why are Bitstamp using non-essential cookies to deliver a financial service to a paying customer?

And why the kaboodle of other annoyances on the front page, including the animated picture of a phone screen. Why not just make the experience pleasant?


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