we might be known as the "Label Remanence Culture"

One way to guess what we will look like from the future, is from how we view cultures of the past.  It would probably amuse someone from the "Bell Beaker Culture", or "Corded Ware Culture", that their culture is named after features of their cups.  They probably thought they were up to all sorts of other things as well.

How might our culture be known, in 4500 years time, if we are named after features of our cups?  My first guess was "Fally-Over Plastic Cups Culture".

Hotel bathrooms now come with extremely lightweight plastic cups, wrapped in plastic.  These do not have the mass to support a toothbrush.  You put a toothbrush in, the cup falls over.  The example depicted is from the Duke of Normandy.  There is no other solution provided, for holding a toothbrush.  That's what the glass glass used to do.

On second thoughts, the fally-over cups are so insubstantial, they are unlikely to stand the test of time, to be available to future archaeologists.  The wooden tools of the bell beaker culture may have been impressive, but we may never know, because the wood rotted, and the pottery survived.  

So what might survive in the ground from our cups?

Given the persistence of the labels and glue attached to the bottom of many of our cups, it's likely we will be known from the future as the "Label Remanence Culture".

addendum: I bought the above glass glass from a charity shop for 1 GBP(2023).  I haven't yet tried removing the label.  I guess I will leave it in the hotel.


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