Label remanence: bad, or very bad?


During the week, I heard a recording of one of those grandstandings in Washington, with a politician asking its question, then saying "yes or no", trying by sheer force of will, to constrain answers to those alternatives.  It wasn't "have you stopped beating your wife, yes or no", but neither was it a yes or no question.

The opposite of that, then, must be the question "label remanence: bad, or very bad?", because both answers are correct.

Illustrated above are three examples.  The mug has gluey residue that feels grim.  The oven dish is new, and supposed to go in... the oven.  It doesn't just peel off.  Bits of it come off, with work, and glue is left.  Does this object meet the basic merchantable quality criterion for something supposed to go in the oven?


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