Europcar web site bad

I left something in a car hired from Europcar, and now I have to get it back.

They have something they call "station finder".  They tried to make it so you could write in a box to search for the station.  The box had light-grey text saying what the field was for.  Whatever one's opinion on that, it is not supposed to be the actual text of the form field.  For Europcar, it is.  I clicked in the box, started writing "southampton", and after typing "south", the light grey text "Enter an address, city or postal code" had become "Enter an address, city southor postal code".   That's not meant to happen.  You are not supposed to do it like that.  Illustration:

So I tried selecting a country from the list.  Except, the list is empty:

And the square with the map doesn't have a map.  It's blank.  That's the box:

It doesn't work.  In 3 ways.

Trying another route, I got to this:

Of the 9 things listed, none of them is for lost property left in the vehicle.  This has to be a deliberate decision.


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