airbnb make it very difficult to simply write a negative review

It was something of a surprise that it was possible at all to write a review of an airbnb host where the stay had not happened, and then the questions that you have to answer, in order to get to the freeform part, made no sense, because they assume the stay happened:

In all the set questions, then, I exceeded the character limit without saying what had to be said.  In the freeform review, I pasted in a written review, and this also hit the character limit, of 1000 characters.  But as the screenshot shows, this manages to communicate the basic point, the truncated paragraph being:

In the end, they decided to try and keep the money whilst refusing to provide the service, which is the point at which I realised they were acting in bad faith.  I had to yell at t [..]

Just as a Ponzi is named after whatsisface Ponzi, so a Challis (more fully, Challis Extra Conditions After Payment Fraud) is named after whatstheirfaces Challis.


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