version names are like version numbers, in the same way that monkeys are like humans

In investigating why I can't `mkdir /scratch` on MacOS, I came across:

    With macOS Catalina, you can no longer store files or data in the read-only system volume, nor can you write to the "root" directory [...] [0]

The phrase "you can no longer [..]" suggests a linear progression.  Some kind of ordering.  Comparability.

If "you can no longer" in 3.5, then probably in 2.7 you can, whereas in 3.6 you can not.  Version names do not have this.  Why does everything from debian to ubuntu to, apparently, MacOS, suffer from this same bad meme?  Why does my sources.list contain "deb-src main non-free contrib"?  Is that before or after that other disney character?

At least Apple has resisted the temptation, apparently irresistible to others, to name their thing after irritating combinations of adjective and animal name, such as "spastic spider".  Oh, remind me, did "gay goat" come before or after "spastic spider"?

[0] <>

Goats with erect human penises at the Chazen - Isthmus ...


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