guernsey parking fines have both silly and sensible aspects

Fixed penalty notices for parking in Guernsey are issued in yellow special envelopes and put under the wiper.  The envelopes are weather-proof plastic on one side, and paper on the other side.  The paper side usually faces up.  If it rains, the rain gets thru, and the paper inside is destroyed.  An intermediate state can be reached where the paper is damaged and the writing runs, but is just about legible.  It rains a lot in Guernsey.  This is silly.  To make it sensible, tickets could be issued in weatherproof envelopes.

It is not possible to pay the fine until after mid day the next working day.  You are not told this on the ticket.  The "pay it" web page does say.  If you phone to pay, they will tell you.

The time when people are most likely to pay is immediately after receiving the ticket.  By having it disabled until midday the following working day, the government ensures that a lot of people who would have paid it, do not pay it until reminded.  Therefore, it is silly not to have it payable right away.  Living here, I know it is not motivated by trying to catch people out.  Rather, it is an artefact of the administrative processes of the local government.  To make it sensible, payments could be accepted right away.  This could be done either by having the parking officer's device upload ticket info in realtime, or by accepting payments in advance with id(s) like ticket number, license plate number, and matching those up as the data about issued tickets comes in, perhaps later.

You can pay by cheque in the post.  This is sensible.


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