Kraken compliance: failure to process documents after 5 months

Last year, Kraken's incompetent compliance team asked for documents supporting source of funds.  Since apparently the buyin logs were not enough, it was really more like source of wealth documentation that they wanted.  I duly spent several days assembling the required audit trail documentation.

Kraken's web interface, which is generally appalling, could not accept multiple documents in one category (this one being "source of funds").  Kraken repeatedly asked me to email them the documents in the clear -- a clear case of criminal negligence in handling customer data.  Their other suggestion was to (really) append all the documents into one big PDF.  This, in the interest of pragmatism, I eventually did.

Five months later, and Kraken's very bad "Account Documents" section for my account shows my submission as "Unprocessed".  Yes, you have to interact with the document (hovering) to get it to say the status "Unprocessed".  Otherwise, you can try to interpret the hieroglyph.


This fits a more general pattern, where a corporation will demand compliance documentation, and then the poor customer, who has been made to feel like they are under suspicion, never hears back.  This is how most banks and similar firms handle compliance enquiries: silence.  The customer has no idea whether their documentation has been accepted (for now), whether the inquisition is ongoing, or, as in this case, whether the compliance team at the firm simply can not be arsed to do anything with it.

Society can not function on this basis.  If every financial transfer results in several compliance teams jumping down a person's throat, and the person concerned never knows whether they have managed to placate said compliance teams, then not much is going to happen economically.  

We have a situation where most (except select enabled criminals, ala SBF) financially-active persons are continuously challenged to prove their innocence, but are rarely informed about whether this time they have been successful (for now) in doing so.  This is a systemic problem.


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