unable to sell plane tickets

Joining the same set as TAP Air Portugal and easyjet, Lufthansa are now unable to sell plane tickets via their web site:

followed by this on the second attempt:

Yes, really.  Presumably that 504 is in an iframe to the card provider's site.  From some perspective, that may mean it's not Lufthansa's fault.

Imagine having to explain this to an alien.  The payment network, with the cards with the 16 digits and the payments being pulled by merchants, and then authorised very unreliably and badly by "card providers", despite every card having a chip that would allow better payment authorisation, the sheer unreliability of the whole thing.  But also: iframes, and the mish mash of happenstance around web non-standards, and that this, of all things, is what ended up being used for "ecommerce", except it doesn't work, at all, any of it.


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