TAP Portugal: day 3 of failing to sell a ticket


Having failed yesterday (and the day before) to get a ticket out of TAP, despite many hours trying, I thought I'd make a fresh start today.

I'm going to use a different browser, a different payment card, a different email address.  To the maximum practical extent, each shitfrastructure element used in the purchase will be different. I'll go for business class just so that everything is different.

I start by checking my shitfrastructure email inbox, in case anything pertinent happened overnight.  It's always possible they just tried against the card again and it just went through.

I have this:

Happily, the first stage went well with chromium, with the dropdown lists containing the right elements.  It's 2021, and a web site not truncating its dropdown lists is a happy moment.

The next stage is to change to email, follow some link, and continue the sign-up.  It's at this stage that I get to finally choose a password.  After the usual attempts to follow password rules (at least the page states what they are), I have finally done it, and ...

"An error occurred".  It says "Sorry, it is currently not possible to validate the information provided".  You have to admire the ambiguity.  The error message contains nothing actionable.  It doesn't say which end they think the error is.  Taken at face value, it could mean that the information I provided is okay, but their validation infrastructure is currently down, or it could mean.. anything else.

Shall I guess that it was because I was using plus-addressing, so I could use a different address from the one I used for my original account (that I can't log in to and can't rescue) that still goes to the same mailbox?

Shall I guess that it's because I was back in firefox because I had to switch to email half way through a workflow, and my gmail is in firefox?

What state is the nascent account now in?

Let's try copying the link from gmail and using it in chromium.

Same deal.

Looking at the previous page, though, I spot something wrong:

The local part of the email address was supposed to be "tgj211+flytap2", but here there is a space where that plus should be.  This does not falsify the hypothesis that plus-addressing caused the problem.  The funny thing is, the confirmation email, whatever you call it, got through just fine to the address with the plus in it:

Looks like adhoc email address "validation" and "normalisation" rules are being made up on the spot by different sets of retards, or perhaps by the same retard in a different mood.  That's how email address validation and normalisation is done.

Can I invoice TAP for three days of web consulting now?


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